09/29/2022 What do the Orange County Commissioners and the FBI have in common?

The Orange County Board of Commissioners and the FBI want to silence your voice and restrict your freedoms.

The FBI has become a Gestapo arm of the Democrat Party with early morning raids on the homes of conservative leaders to include the Mar-a-Lago home of Donald Trump.

The Orange County Commissioners will meet Monday October 3rd and attempt to pass an ordinance against our First Amendment rights, freedom to assemble and protest.

This ordinance has come before the Commissioners several times. Most recently on 6/21/2022 when it was tabled due to fierce opposition from the community.  The final vote was to reconvene in the fall, speak to the school board (again) and invite them to speak (again) in order to hear all sides. 

Commissioners Renee Price, Jean Hamilton, Anne Richards, Sally Greene, Jamezetta Bedford and Amy Fowler are driving this effort along with support from the Orange County School Board.  There was one Commissioner, Earl McKee, who voted against it.

Please make a special effort to join us Monday night and make your voice heard. 

The freedoms you surrender today are the freedoms your grandchildren will never know.

Uncle Sam says.....

   Attend and/or give public comment at the Orange County Commissioners meeting. Sign up at the door before the meeting starts to give public comment.

Monday, October 3rd @7pm 

The Whitted Building 300 W. Tryon St. Hillsborough                                                             

If you are unable to attend, Orange County Commissioner work sessions are available via live streaming video and Orange County Gov-TV on channels 1301 or 97.6 (Spectrum Cable).

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